Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Grind

After another round of chemo, Mom is needing more transfusions (as expected) and is lying low with her very depleted immune system. Her spirits are good, and she has a number of needlework and reading type projects to keep her busy.

Many of you have asked her or me how you might be able to help, so we have set up a MealTrain calendar. Up to this point, she has been coordinating with friends, but an online sign up seems like an easy way to help if you can/want. 

To sign up, follow this link http://www.mealtrain.com?id=mmu8tlctd31t and create an account for MealTrain. (I believe there is also an option to sign in with your Facebook account) Once you create the account or sign in, you will see a list of dates (typically a Monday and Thursday or Friday) that you can choose from. Click "Book this Date" if there is a day that works for you.

Her food restrictions limit her intake of fresh, uncooked vegetables. If you wanted to bring something like a salad, it would be best to simply bring the ingredients so that she can make sure she follows her doctor's orders of washing, washing again, and washing again any raw vegetables. Cooked/steamed are safe and preferable.

She also needs rides to the clinic every few days, so if you find yourself planning a trip to Memorial or that area in the coming weeks, just drop her a line. 

Thanks again for all the offers to help, no pressure. Happy thoughts or prayers will do of course! 

Many thanks to each of you.


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