Sunday, October 12, 2014

Donating Blood

Since this crazy saga began back in April, Wanda (mom) has received countless numbers of blood transfusions both in Nashville as well as in Chattanooga. Well, to be clear, I'm sure it's not that many - it can be counted - but, still - it's a good number. She goes once or twice a week to have a complete blood count (CBC) done and, depending on what her numbers are, the doctors decide to give her either packed red blood cells, platelets, or both. The packed red blood cells boost her hemoglobin, allowing her blood to carry more oxygen throughout her body. The platelets allow her blood to clot when necessary. On the days when she receives a transfusion, she just gets to sit in a chair and pass the time either in a private room or with 3 of her not-so-closest (random) friends.

My cousin Mandi recognized mom's thirst for blood and had a great idea to surprise mom by getting people to donate blood for her 65th birthday. If you are signed up to receive email updates from the blog, you should have received an email about it. Anyway, I'm happy to say that a good number of you donated (blood or cash) and sent pictures and we made a collage of all the pics we could find (sorry if any were left off!). One of mom's friends even made it into the local newscast while donating.

Personally, I hadn't donated blood since college, so I approached the donation with trepidation. However, it turned out to be relatively painless and very quick (less than 25 minutes) and I was left wondering why I hadn't been more giving of my blood in the past. It's satisfying to know that a simple donation of blood can go and keep someone like my mom healthy. So - go, donate!

Wanda's Warriors

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