Just wanted to send an update that the team at Vanderbilt sent Mom home to Chattanooga to continue outpatient treatment there. We are all thrilled at this development, and she is glad to be in "her world" again.
She'll continue to have her blood checked every other day and have platelet infusions as needed there with her oncologist in Chattanooga. And she will begin a second round of the chemotherapy (dacogen) starting on June 9th. They anticipate three or four rounds (one per month) before they can tell if it is going to put the leukemia in to remission.
Don't worry if you don't see her around--she's been warned off many of her favorite things because of the precariousness of her health (no driving, subathing, swimming, having a glass of wine, going anywhere in public without a mask...).
Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers. We are praying now that she will stay healthy to give this dacogen a chance to work.
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