Case here. Today is day 98, two days before the day 100 that has been the 'light at the end of the tunnel.' Just when we thought we could make it through the 100 days being as boring as possible, we've hit a bump. Mom's white blood cell count had been hovering around the 3.5 range, which is low, but considerably better than where she was pre-transplant. The doctors had not been concerned though, because there were no other issues and it was holding steady. Starting with the lab results last Friday, her white blood cell count has dropped to it's current level of 0.9. This, as you would imagine, has been cause for concern. The clinic ran a battery of tests and sent off a blood culture to see if they could figure out what was causing the drop. No culprit has popped up, so we're stuck trying to figure out what's wrong, and hoping that it will improve. Mom also received the results from her latest bone marrow biopsy which still says that she's MDS free, but made mention of the biopsy being "mildy hypo cellular," something that doesn't seem to concern the doctors, but has added to mom's anxiety. As you can imagine, mom has been bummed this week, even though the doctors do not seem to be that concerned.
Please send your positive thoughts and prayers her way!
Please send your positive thoughts and prayers her way!